Your security, Our priority

Malware allows scammers to remotely control your phone and perform fraudulent transactions without your knowledge or consent.
Protect against malware
instant notification
Instant account

Get instant push notifications for all account activity, so you always know where your money is going in real time.



Access your Trust App securely with biometric authentication. What’s more, we’ve added an extra layer of security with Trust Key for all high-risk transactions.

biometric authentication
online transaction
For extra fraud protection, you will need to authenticate online card payments at 3D Secure (3DS) merchants when using Trust card. Just tap to approve the online payments via the Trust App.
Numberless card
With a numberless physical card, you never have to worry about stolen card numbers again. And with the Trust App, you can always access your card number, CVV and expiry.
numberless card
tap to lock
Tap to lock card
Misplaced your card or want to restrict all your card’s functions? No worries. You can lock and unlock your card with a simple tap.
With a few taps, you can easily control your Trust card permissions for payments abroad or online merchants.
customised security
Apply now.
Use instantly.
Refer your friend to sign up for any Trust product. You and your friend will each receive a S$10 FairPrice E-voucher upon successful sign-up. Start referring now! T&Cs apply.
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