Contact us
Get 24/7 help via in-app chat or callWe’re here to assist you with our in-app customer support:- Enjoy enhanced security and privacy via in-app call or chat
- Skip the authentication process when signed into Trust App
- Contact our customer service team anytime, anywhere
- In-app chat or call is completely free

How to reach us in the app
- Open Trust App
- Tap the Profile icon on the top right of the home screen
- Tap Contact us
- Select live chat or call to connect with us

Keep your card safe with a few taps Misplaced your Trust card or suspect you’ve been a victim of fraud? Lock your card and get in touch with us immediately. On the app home screen, tap "View and Manage card" and select "Lock card". You may reach us via in-app call or live chat.
Misplaced your Trust card or suspect you’ve been a victim of fraud? Lock your card and get in touch with us immediately. On the app home screen, tap "View and Manage card" and select "Lock card". You may reach us via in-app call or live chat.

Visit us at Trust Experience Centre
Need help with your Trust App? Come say hello to our friendly customer support team at Trust Experience Centre located at FairPrice Xtra VivoCity, #B2-23 from 11.00am to 7.00pm daily!