Making repayments as easy as 1-2-3!

Product releases


Do you remember the last time you set up a credit card repayment with another bank? We’re guessing it wasn’t that easy and it probably involved hunting around the App, perhaps filling out a form or maybe even a trip to the branch.

We’ve got some news…Trust has just launched AutoPay and it’s as easy as 1-2-3.

To repay your Trust credit card, all you need is a Trust savings account, 1-2-3 clicks and you’re set! If you have a Trust credit card but no savings account, it takes about 60 seconds to open an account with our award-winning experience. And once you’ve done that, you can enjoy all the benefits we have such as an interest rate of up to 3.0% per annum*.

Here’s what AutoPay looks like. It really is this quick and easy!

autopay gif

We’ve also recently launched incoming GIRO payment capability, so you can receive many payments direct to your Trust account, such as salary crediting and Government cash payouts.

For salary crediting, simply inform your employer to update your designated salary crediting account to Trust Bank. For Government cash payouts just register your NRIC for PayNow.

While you do that, remember to give Trust AutoPay a try. We think you’ll find it as easy as 1-2-3!

Tarun Punjabi, Product Lead for Payments and Innovation at Trust, said: “Making automated repayments to your credit card should be quick and simple. We’re fortunate to be able to build our customer experience from scratch and in doing so, we’ve created something that is easy to do that we think it will bring smiles to our customers’ day.”

Michal Bialer, Chief Product Officer said: “We are delighted to deliver new capabilities which bring value to our customers’ daily banking needs. As we continue to expand on our product suite, we stay focused on bringing an innovative experience which is easy, transparent and rewarding.”

*Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to $75,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law.

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