Customer Privacy Notice

We are Trust Bank Singapore Limited. In order to provide our products and services to you, we need to collect, use and share personal information which identifies or relates to you. This notice explains how we use and protect your personal information in line with all laws that apply. We take your privacy very seriously – it’s one of our top priorities. We’ve tried our best to make these notice as easy to read as possible. They have gained Plain English Campaign’s Crystal Mark, their internationally recognised seal of approval for the clarity of documents.
Please read this notice with all our terms and conditions, including our cookies policy. Thank you.
Here are some examples of the information we may need about you.
Personal details such as your name, date of birth, identity-card number, contact details, nationality, employment details and credit-related information.
Details of how you want us to contact you and whether you want to receive marketing information from us.
Financial information, such as your card number, information about the transactions carried out through your accounts and your use of our products and services.
Technical information, such as details of your mobile phone network, operating system, IP address and the settings and technology on the device you use to access your account.
Information about how you use our website, the Trust App, any other platforms we make available to you (including our social media channels), and our products and services.
Information which you have agreed to us accessing and using, including:
your contacts list from the device you use to access your account
information from your device which reveals your location (geolocation data) or is for detecting malware activity and security threats on your phone
information from your camera (such as facial-imaging information)
biometrics information (for example, your fingerprint)
voice and video recordings of you
your personal opinions
your demographic information (for example, your age, sex and where you live), and
information relating to your activities, habits, preferences and interests, which we get from your use of our products and services.
Information we generate about you based on our analysis of the information we collect, or from combining the information we collect with other information we have, such as information from our parent company, Standard Chartered PLC, and its subsidiaries (the Standard Chartered Group) and information from our partners and other people we work with in relation to any business, products or services (our business partners).
Information about you that we collect from our business partners, other third parties who act for us or you or who have your permission to give us information about you, or information we get from sources that are available to the public, including from credit-reference, debt-collection and fraud-prevention agencies.
Information about you that we must collect, access and process by law.
The list below sets out the carefully considered legal reasons which allow us to collect, use, share and process your information.
For the purposes set out in any of our terms and conditions that govern our relationship with you.
To contact you to find out if there was a problem or if we can help if, for any reason, you started but did not complete your registration for any account, product or service.
To consider and process your applications or instructions regarding any of our products and services.
To operate, maintain, develop and improve our products and services.
For credit-related matters, including to perform credit checks on you, to get credit reports about you from credit-reference agencies, to create and maintain credit- and risk-scoring models, and to maintain your credit history.
To understand your relationship with us, and the Standard Chartered Group, for the purposes of managing risk, reporting to our regulators, assessing your combined credit limit across the Standard Chartered Group, and other similar and reasonable purposes.
For marketing purposes, as described in the ‘How we market products and services to you’ section.
To carry out data matching (comparing different sets of information), analysis, profiling (which is where we use personal information to group our customers into different categories to allow us to better target products and services to you), market research and surveys with the aim of developing or improving our products and services (or our business partners’ products and services).
To make sure you receive personalised offers from us or our business partners. We do this to provide you with the best offers and to bring a smile to your face!
To make sure you meet the obligations you have to us or any other member of the Standard Chartered Group. To keep to any requirements or processes which we, or any other member of the Standard Chartered Group, must agree (or have agreed) to keep to and which require us to use or share your information. These requirements include those that may arise under any:
law or regulation
guidance issued by any authority, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations
commitment with local or foreign authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations, or
investigation, demand or request from any authority.
This includes defending or responding to any legal, governmental, regulatory or similar matter, action or proceeding (including any potential action or legal proceedings) relating to us or any other member of the Standard Chartered Group.
To allow data matching with our business partners if this is necessary to provide you with our products or services.
To allow our business partners to update your contact details based on the personal information you have given us.
To allow anyone who is considering a transaction which involves investing in, buying or working with us in connection with our business, assets, products or services, or transferring assets, products or services to us, to evaluate that transaction.
We keep your information confidential, but we may sometimes provide, transfer or reveal it to other members of the Standard Chartered Group, our business partners, regulators and other third parties (inor outside Singapore) for any of the reasons listed above. We share as little information as we can and, whenever possible, we encrypt it (convert it into a code) or make it impossible for you to be identified by the person or organisation receiving it (for example, by using a user ID rather than your name). Third parties that we can share your information with include.
Organisations, agents, contractors or third-party service providers and subcontractors who provide administrative, telecommunications, ‘know-your-customer’, computer, payment, transaction, cloud-storage, data-analytics, cybersecurity or securities-clearing services to us. We often work with these third parties to help us provide you with our products and services. (‘Know your customer’ is the process we use to identify customers and check customer identities.)
Anyone who works for (or provides services to) us or the Standard Chartered Group.
Anyone who invests in, buys or works with us in connection with our business, or transfers assets, products or services to us.
Organisations that provide our reward, loyalty, co-branding and privileges programmes, so that you can get your rewards!
Our shareholders (and any organisations that control or are controlled by them) who have a direct or indirect shareholding in us.
Any other person if it is in the public interest to share information with them.
If you die or are no longer able to make decisions relating to your account, your legal representative and their legal advisers, and a member of your immediate family so that they can make payments on your account.
We and our business partners may carry out marketing activities with you by email, telemarketing messages, push notifications (these are pop-up messages sent to your device from the Trust App), post or phone calls. As part of our ongoing relationship with you, we use your information to send you details about products, services and offers provided by us or our business partners. This might include, for example, details about:
rewards programmes, special offers, loyalty privileges and charity donations, or
promotional events, competitions and lucky draws.
We will also provide you with personalised marketing (including by combining your information with other people’s information or by advertising on social media) so that you can enjoy the products and services which you really like.
Allowing us to send you marketing messages is important because it helps us to improve our products and services and generate business. However, you don’t have to agree to this. You can opt out of receiving marketing messages on the Trust App.
We work hard to keep your information secure. We have technical and organisational security measures in place to protect it. Here are some examples of the security measures we use.
Firewalls (security systems that restrict access to information on our computer network).
Intrusion detection systems (IDS). Like security cameras, these monitor information flows for patterns of activity that don’t look normal and might signal an attack on our website, the Trust App or other electronic channels.
Encryption, which uses high standards of security technology to convert your information into a code that can only be read by us and some of our trusted partners who need to be able to access it.
We also need your help to keep your information secure. Please let us know immediately if your information may have been lost or stolen, or if you think someone has used it without your permission. Together, we can protect your information!
If you provide us with someone else’s personal information (for example, an additional card holder), you confirm that:
you are authorised to give us that information
the information you have provided is accurate, and
we can collect, use, share, transfer and keep their personal information as set out in this notice.
To help make our processes more efficient, we sometimes use computers to help us make decisions when processing applications for our products and services. This means some decisions are made automatically based on the information we have collected about you, using rules followed by the computer system which are designed to make fair and objective decisions.
Sometimes we combine information from groups of customers to create a profile group for research or analysis, or to help with general marketing. We remove all personal details from your information before combining it with other people’s. However, if information can be connected to you personally, we will protect it in the ways explained in this notice. We may share and combine the information with information from our business partners for the same purposes.
We may keep your information for as long as you’re a Trust customer and for up to seven years (or longer if the law says we must) from the date you stop being a Trust customer. You can ask us to permanently delete your information, but please remember that we can’t do this if we need to keep it under any law or regulation that applies, or if we need it to be able to provide a service that you still want to receive.
You can access, update and correct your information, give feedback, ask questions and withdraw your permission for us to collect and process your information on the Trust App or by any other method we tell you about.
If you withdraw your permission, we will process your request within 10 business days. We will let you know if we need more time to process your request. In some cases, if you withdraw your permission, we may not be able to continue to provide some products or services to you.
We may not be able to give you access to some of your information. If this is the case, we will tell you why, unless we are not allowed to tell you by law.
If you need help to do any of these things, please contact our customer service team using the LiveChat or call feature in the Trust App. You can also contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing
Sometimes we might need to change this notice. If we do, we’ll put the updated version on our website or on the Trust App. If we think the changes are significant, we will email you to let you know we have made changes.
Last updated on: 01 July 2024, Version: 5