Split Purchase Product Terms and Key Facts

This is a new product to help manage your finances🆕. Please read these terms carefully. They explain how Split Purchase works, your responsibilities and other important information.

Don’t forget to read the General Terms and Conditions and the relevant credit card Product Terms and their respective Key Facts Sheets, as they also apply. 😊 If there is an inconsistency between any of the terms, these terms will take priority for Split Purchase. 

We also recommend you read the consumer guide on credit cards here.

What's Split Purchase? ✂️💰

Split Purchase allows you to split eligible transactions into a fixed number of equal monthly payments for a one-time fee. First, you choose the eligible transactions charged to your credit card and the number of monthly payments you would like to split them into. We will charge a one-time fee which will depend on the total amount, the number of monthly payments and your personal credit profile. When we show you the one-time fee and the monthly payments, you can then decide if you want to proceed. We issue approvals for Split Purchase through the Trust app.

We will reinstate your available credit limit by amounts equal to the repayments you make.

If we decline your Split Purchase application, you must continue to pay off your credit card balance in accordance with our credit card terms.

What is an eligible transaction?

All completed transactions which are $100 and above that have not been billed to you in your statement are eligible transactions except for the following:

  1. Any instalment amount for a Split Purchase, Instant Loan or Balance Transfer.

  2. Any cash advance.

  3. Any fees and charges.

  4. Any other transactions that we decide from time to time. Please see our FAQs for the latest list of eligible and ineligible transactions.

Key features

Minimum eligible transaction amount


Number of monthly payments

You can split your purchase into equal monthly payments, payable over the duration choices we offer to you in the Trust App.

Maximum number of eligible transactions in each Split Purchase

You can accumulate a maximum of 10 eligible transactions into a single Split Purchase.

Convenient and flexible early repayment

In addition to the mandatory minimum monthly payment, you may choose to repay the full amount of the Split Purchase at any time through the Trust app.

If you choose to repay your Split Purchase early, we will charge the entire outstanding amount to your credit card immediately. You will not be entitled to any refund of the one-time fee.

Interest and fees 🏦

One-time fee

We charge a one-time fee when you apply for a Split Purchase and receive an approval. This fee is based on your Split Purchase amount, the number of monthly payments, your personal credit profile and any other factors we may consider relevant. The one-time fee will be charged to your credit card on the day that we issue the approval for the Split Purchase.

Late payment charges

Your Split Purchase payments will be charged to your Trust credit card. Therefore, the Trust credit card late payment charges apply. See the Key Facts Sheet for your Trust credit card for details.

Early repayment fee



We do not charge additional interest for Split Purchase. We do however charge interest under our credit card terms (see next section).

Interest under our credit card terms

We charge your Split Purchase monthly payments to your Trust credit card. We will charge interest under our credit card terms if you do not pay off your full credit card statement balance by its due date. See the Key Facts Sheet for your Trust credit card for details.


We will terminate all your Split Purchases if you are 90 days past your due date for your credit card’s minimum payment due. All your Split Purchases outstanding amounts will then form part of your Trust credit card’s outstanding balance.

Credit report

You are not entitled to a free credit report if you apply for a Split Purchase.

More about interest and fees💰

We indicate your one-time fee and Effective Interest Rate on the Split Purchase approval page. We calculate the Effective Interest Rate (EIR) by considering the one-time fee and assuming that each monthly payment is paid on time in full.


We will include your monthly payments in your monthly Trust credit card outstanding statement balance. We also include your monthly payments as part of your credit card’s minimum amount due. Please see the Trust credit card Key Facts Sheet for details. You must continue to make payments on all your other Trust credit card purchases.

We may demand immediate repayment of Split Purchase in full together with all accrued and unpaid interest and charges, at any time and for any reason. This is regardless of whether the remaining Split Purchase is reflected in your Trust credit card statement or not. This will apply even after you terminate your relationship or Split Purchase with us.


Split Purchase is not eligible for any promotions and rewards.

Termination by early repayment🔚

You can repay your Split Purchase early. When you indicate this on the Trust app we will calculate and notify you of the outstanding amount and payment due date.

If you don’t pay the entire outstanding balance on or before the payment due date after you have opted for early repayment, we will charge you interest on the outstanding amount until the date the outstanding amount is paid in full.

Partial early repayment of your Split Purchase is not allowed.

Effect of termination😥

If you are no longer our customer or if the Split Purchase is terminated for any reason, you must repay the outstanding amount you owe us (this includes any unpaid interest and charges) immediately. If we accept any other amount that you pay, it does not mean that we are giving up our right to claim for the remaining balance owing. This will apply even after you terminate your relationship or Split Purchase with us.

Last updated on: 1 October 2024, Version: 5